Mentha arvensis
Ayurvedic Name: Hindi-Paparaminta.
International Name: English-Peppermint.
Habitat: It is indigenous to India. It is easily cultivatable in temperate climate.
Part Used for getting Oil: Leaves
Source and method for getting Oil: Distillation of Leaves.
Constituent of the Oil-Alcohol: Menthol, Turpene, Glacial acetic and carbon bisulphide. Action-Antiseptic, antispasmodic.
Use in Ayurveda:
Used is various medicine. It is good in headaches, rheumatism and neuralgia. It is also used in case of vomiting, dysmenorrhoea with tea in weak digestion.
It is powerful aphordesiae. It is mainly used in cough drops and cough pills.
It is used in infectious diseases.
It is giving power to heart mussels. Used in mouth wash, tooth paste and soaps.