No. Image Name Model Rating Price Stock Qty
1. no_image Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) 5ml
KA60 0 * 10.00€ 1000  
2. no_image Jasmine 5ml

Jasminum Grandiflorum
or Jasminum Officinale.
Family - Oleaceae

Ayurvedic Name: Sanskrit- Jati, Hindi-Chameli, Johi.

Habitat: Indigenous to the foot hills of Himalayas and plains of Ganges. Commercially cultivated in…
KA5X 0 * 10.00€ 996  
3. no_image Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) 5ml

Foeniculum vulgare
Origin: Spain (Cuenca)

Uses in Ayurveda : Increases bust firmness. Helps production of mother’s milk. Revitalizes stabilizing emotions and nervous tension.

KA57 0 * 7.00€ 1000  
4. no_image Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) 5ml

Eucalyptus globules

International Name: English-Eucalyptus

Habitat: It is indigenous to Australia and T asmania and also known as Blue Gun Tree. It has been also cultivated in…
KA56 0 * 7.00€ 997  
5. no_image Clove (Syzgium aromaticum) 5ml

Caryophyllus aromaticus
Family- Myrtaceae

Ayurvedic Name: Sanskrit-Lavangha, Hindi- Laung, Bengali-Lavang.

International Name: English-Cloves, Persian-Kharanfal. German-Gewurznelkev.

Habitat: It is indigenous to Sri Lanka and India both.

Part Used for getting Oil:…
KA55 0 * 7.00€ 1000