Triphaladi Compound (Colon Tonic Compound) 180 packets

Brand: Kamlesh Ayurveda
Product Code: KA27
Availability: In Stock
Price: 90.00€
Ingredient: Licorice (Glycyzrrhiza spp.) Mulethi, Indian Gooseberry (Emblica efficinalis) Amalaki, Bibhitiki (Terminalia belerica), Haritiki (Terminalia chebula).
Properties: Laxative, tonic, rejuvenative and astringent.
How to prepare: Organically grown ingredients are properly cleaned and crushed to make the powder.
As a daily health supplement.
Useful in chronic constipation, colitis, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, arthritis, nervous debility, abdominal gas and distention, diabetes, eye diseases, chronic diarrhea and helps evacuation.
Increases appetite and improves eyesight.
Useful in spermatorrhoea and blood disorders.
Good for all three body types.
Dose: 2 packets per day just after breakfast or lunch and dinner or bedtime. Do not take it empty stomach.
Vehicle: Lukewarm or room temperature water.
Packing: 1. Box of 60 packets. 2. Box of 180 packets.

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