Musk-Amber (Herbal Blend) 5ml

Musk-Amber (Herbal Blend) 5ml
Brand: Kamlesh Ayurveda
Product Code: KA44
Availability: In Stock
Price: 10.00€
Hibiscus Abelmoschus
Family- Maluaceae
International Names: French-Ketmia Ambretta; Arabie- Hubbul-mushk, Kabbumishka; Persian-Makstan, Musk-dana;
Ayurvedic Name: Sanskrit-Gandapura, Latakasturikam, Zatakasturika; Hindi-Muskh-dana, Kashturi-dana
Habitat: (a) Native of Persia and tropical Indian sub continent. It grows all over tropical regions of India. (b) It is an annual herb, grows fast, needs good quantity of water and hot climate.
History: It has been used from several thousand of years as a substitute of Real musk which is an animal product. Musk producing animal is called musk deer. It is a beautiful animal smaller than other species of deer found in Himalayas above 8000 feet, in China, Russia, Central Asia and India. Musk is found in these animals only in the rutting reasons and is produced for the purpose of attracting the female. The musk is found embedded in a sack which is oval or round, looks like a golf ball. It is coated with a smooth membrane and the lover surface is covered with stiff hair.
Musk is an inspissated and dried testicular secretion from the preputial follicles of the male musk deer. It is now very difficult to get. It is surprising that the seeds of this plant possessing an aromatic odor resembling that of musk due to that. It has been known as musk-mallow. It was loved by Mugal kings. They used musk mallow oil in the Harams on the carpets, curtains, cloths, incenses as well as in the perfume lamps to create a hypnotic environment in which their wives could feel the fragrance of male attraction. It is widely used by oriental and European people.
Part used for getting oil: Seeds. In Ayurveda Root & leaves are also used for medicinal purposes.
Sources & method for getting oil: Distillation of the crushed seeds.
Constituents of the oil-Alcohol: Gum, albumen; a solid crystalline matter, odoriferous principle and resin. Fixed oil is a greenish yellow fluid.
Action of the oil: Stimulant, carminative, cooling, diuretic, demulcent, stomachache, anti- spasmodic and tonic.
Aroma of the oil: It has a resembling aroma that of musk. Its has peculiar bitter odor of a true perfume, which is a very dominating strong Aroma.
Uses in Ayurveda:
Useful in Hysteria-one drop oil should be mixed in 1000 ml of water. This water should be divided into 10 parts and each part should be given 3 times per day after meals for few days. Smelling it time to time, as well as use in perfume lamp in the room may also help.
In case of Nervous disability nervous disorders circulatory problems and arterial tension. One drop should be mixed in 1000 ml of water. This water should be given 100 ml doses 3 times in a day for few day, just before Breakfast, Lunch and dinner. Perfumed handkerchief should be smelled time to time during the day and evening is also helpful.
It is a Rejuvenative tonic for body and mind as it stimulates the brain cells.
Stimulates the urinogenital organs, helps to increase leucocyte of the blood. It is useful in Anemia, as well as may be helpful in blood cancer.
It is also an aphrodisiac and tonic but never used too much. Only a small quantity should be used. 20 drops essential oil mixed with 100 ml of any base all like sesame, almond, coconut etc. could be massaged on the skin.

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