Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) 5ml

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) 5ml
Brand: Kamlesh Ayurveda
Product Code: KA56
Availability: In Stock
Price: 7.00€
Eucalyptus globules
International Name: English-Eucalyptus
Habitat: It is indigenous to Australia and T asmania and also known as Blue Gun Tree. It has been also cultivated in may subtropical countries like India and China.
Part Used for getting Oil: Leaves
Source and method for getting Oil: Destillation of the leaves.
Constituent of the Oil Alcohol: Ketone, Terpenes, Camphene, pinen, Aldehyde.
Action: Anti-septic, antiviral, ache and pain killer.
Use in Ayurveda:
Used for congestion as well as for chronic Bronchitis, cough and cold and headache.
Also used in Cold and snake bites.
Now a days it is also very useful and important element for the medicines.
It is digestive, kills germs, antiseptic and good for skin diseases.
Commonly used in massage oils, mouth wash and soaps.

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